Ways to Watch
Hope Channel on any device, anytime
Watch all our programs on desktop, smartphone, tablet or smart TV
Roku App

The Adventist Channel and Hope Channel are streamed for free over the internet to your Roku box, there's no satellite dish or monthly fees. Purchase the box once, and watch all you want.
This gives the best 24 hour mix of Adventist programmes from around the world and those produced in the UK.The added advantage, apart from lower cost, is that programmes will also be available to view on-demand – at a time convenient to you. Owner of Roku boxes can also watch the channels on their mobile devices.
To use Roku you will need a broadband connection capable of streaming video with an unlimited download package, a Wi-Fi enabled router and a HD ready TV with a HDMI connector.
Visit Roku website.
There are alternative ways to watch, anybody with a Samsung Smart TV can now add the Hope TV app. Hope Channel will also be coming soon to Amazon Fire as well as plans to release it on Apple TV.