Reformation Journey
Reformation Journey, a seven-part social media video series aimed at explaining some of the major themes of the Reformation.

In every location on this epic Reformation Journey Dejan and Victor seem to have discovered people who take the Bible really seriously - even at the risk of their lives. In this final episode they go in search of someone who can help them understand the Bible for today.
When Martin Luther faced Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms it was his final chance to either recant or confess. His choice would transform Europe – but first came a ‘dark night of the soul’. Victor & Dejan travel to Worms and talk with theologian and historian, Rolf Pöhler.
Dejan and Victor continue their Reformation Journey with a visit to Wittenberg - famous as the home of the reformation and the location where Luther posted his 95 thesis. Yet somehow it was not those thesis that caught their attention. Something else caught their eye - and helped them understand the similicity of Luther's gospel.
In the fourth programme of the Reformation Journey series, Dejan and Victor travel to Oxford where they find the risk and rewards of asking questions - 500 hundred years ago and today. It's all part of the journey.
Victor & Dejan take a hike in rural Surrey and discover that the Reformation is all around us. Discover how Henry VIII, king of England, generated reformation for all the wrong reasons, but with positive consequences. Filmed in Pyrford, Surrey, UK
This second programme in the seven-part series focuses on the transition of Luther from searcher, to perceived heretic, to a recognised influence in the development of Europe. Join the journey in the city about which Luther said, “If there is a hell, Rome is built over it.”
The first programme of the Reformation Journey, a seven-part social media video series aimed at explaining some of the major themes of the Reformation. Victor & Dejan journey to the south of Italy to explore Guardia Piemontese, an idyllic village where Waldensian Christians built a mountain paradise far from home.

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