‘INSPIRED’ is a series of talks by a variety of presenters who share spiritual insights through their inspirational messages.

1 Kings 17 - Pastor Patrick Herbert focuses on the story of Elijah and the Widow at Zarephath.
Pastor Patrick Herbert explores the themes of Psalm 51.
Pastor Wayne Erasmus explores the themes of The Parable of the Lost Son in Luke 15.
A forgiven woman encounters Jesus as he dines at a Pharisee's table. Pastor Patrick Herbert explores the story in Luke 7:36-50
Jesus said to that woman as He looked in her eyes, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.” When she looked in her Saviour’s eyes she saw a Reconciler, a Restorer and a Redeemer. Pastor Patrick Herbert explores the story of 'The Woman Caught in Adultery'.
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them…” Pastor Wayne Erasmus explores the themes of Luke 18:15-17
The Parable of the Great Banquet invites us to the King's table where we receive welcome and acceptance. Pastor Wayne Erasmus explores the meaning of the parable - both for the original hearers and also for us today.
Pastor Richard Daly explores the hope and assurance of Christ's Second Advent.
"From the outset, let me state my position, I do not accept that law and grace are in a fight with one another." Pastor Ian Sweeney shares his thoughts that Law and Grace are not enemies. They are not in conflict. To the contrary, they work in harmony with one another.
"Do I love Jesus enough, to say to Him, whatever You say God, I’ll do it, because I love You." Pastor Ian Sweeney examines the Ten Commandments.
"The motivation of God in His behaviour and actions toward us is LOVE. Surely then, our motivation in behaviour and action toward God should also be from LOVE." Pastor Ian Sweeney
Pastor Ian Sweeney explores the themes behind the parable of 'The Rich Fool’.

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