Debbie Higgens

A fan of C S Lewis since picking up his book, Mere Christianity during her student days, Debbie Higgens now serves as on-site director and warden for 'The Kilns', the Oxford home where Lewis spent the last twenty years of his life. It was the simplicity of Mere Christianity that appealed to Debbie, as well as Mere Christianity, Lewis is best known for his children's series, The Chronicles of Narnia, and for The Screwtape Letters. All three, she says, are very powerful representations of the gospel. They are also a very approachable reintroduction, she says quoting Lewis, "Stealing past the watchful dragons", for those who have been turned off Christianity in the past. "He flips it and says, 'look at it in a different way'."

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01/21/2016, 9:01 AM