Sharon Platt-McDonald


Sharon Platt-McDonald works as the Director for Heath, Women’s Ministries and Disability Awareness for the Seventh-day Adventist church in the British Isles. Influenced by Jesus’ ministry of compassion she pursued a career in the caring profession and is a registered nurse, midwife and health visitor with Service Manger experience in the NHS.

As a motivational speaker, mentor, editor and author of over 20 books, Sharon is enthusiastic about sharing the message of health, hope and healing. She believes that as we follow God’s directive for emotional, physical, spiritual and social wellbeing we will positively impact our churches and communities with the ministry of restoration to the glory of His name.

The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist has embraced 3 of Sharon’s initiatives which is currently being rolled out globally for the world church. These are the Woman of Virtue Programme, the Forgiveness as Healing course and Ministry Boxes.

Producing a range of resources for churches and communities, Sharon has developed health DVDs, manuals, booklets, leaflets, cards and health series for Christian Satellite TV channels and web video streams.

With a passion for the encouragement, empowerment and development of women, she has produced resources and seminars to assist the various life events and wholisitc wellbeing of women. Realising the importance of spiritual nurture and impact of sharing life stories, she has produced the first British Union Conference weekly devotional for women titled– Light on the Path Volumes 1 & 2.

Married to Denzle - a member of the London Adventist Chorale they share a love for music through singing, playing the piano and violin. Sharon thanks God for Denzle’s faithful support of her work and ministry and for his companionship as a life partner.